I could eat Savannah up with a spoon.
I fell in love with Savannah upon arrival. It is a lovely town, full of lovely people and all sorts of fascinating history.
Let me take you on a pictorial tour of some of the lovely things about Savannah.

The "downtown" area of Savannah consists of 20-some squares, which are basically mini parks which break up the main roads throughout the city. Most of the squares have monuments in the are a couple pictures of my favorite square.
The plant life in Savannah was spectacular. Both of the above pictures were taken in an old graveyard (and if you read my Boston post, you know how much I love graveyards!). I'd never seen Spanish moss before in person...that stuff is cool! According to the tour guide of the ghost tour I made Aaron go on with me, Spanish moss does not live in areas that are haunted. I therefore found it curious that the cemetery was drooping with it. Maybe that means that all the souls laid to rest here are at peace....?

The bus stop signs in Savannah are Retro Fabulous!
I have a thing for pretty doors. And there were many pretty doors in Savannah.
One of my favorite sights in Savannah was watching the epitome of a man's man walking an itty bitty dog in a fuzzy pink sweater through one of the squares. This is admittedly not a very good picture, and I (as a rule) abhor the sight of dogs wearing clothes, but I thought it was too quaint not to post.
Gorgeous photos! I didn't know that about Spanish Moss. Hmmm...don't really know if that is true. Either way, spanish moss is sooooo pretty draping from the trees :)
And you are right, the plant life sure is spectacular down there, huh?
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