About an hour into my 3-day jaunt to Colorado, I realized I had arrived 2 years to the very day after I had loaded all of my earthly belongings into my 1988 Toyota Cressida and left the state to move back home. The thought hit me as I cruised down I-25 in my crappy Kia Rio rental car, and it made me smile.
I went to Colorado to see Andy (who grew up in Colorado Springs, but now lives in Japan) perform with his taiko drumming group. They had come to Colorado to play at various high schools throughout the city, with a grand finale performance in the city's performance hall on Friday night. I was honored to have been invited, and - gee willikers - was I ever impressed! If you've never seen a taiko performance, I highly recommend that you do (someday....when the opportunity presents itself). Andy even had a big solo, which made me cry a little bit (happy tears, of course).

The sounds that taiko drumming creates are wonderful, but it is definitely a visual experience, as well.
The other highlights of my trip to Colorado included a visit to the mall (woo!), an evening at the Flying W Ranch (think Knotts Berry Farm, but cold, deserted and no rides - BUT they had a fantastic dinner hall, complete with a western music stage show by the Flying W Wranglers...classic!), an improptu party in the lobby of the hotel where Andy's (band?)mates were staying, brunch with my old boss, and a scrumptious dinner with my friends Kevin and Hailey (thanks again, guys!). All good stuff.
I didn't take many pictures when I was in Colorado. There were certainly many great photo ops, but I think sometimes when I have too many things to see and observe I find it too much of an interruption to reach into my purse and pull out my camera. (Translation: Sometimes, I am lazy). Therefore, given my lack of pictures, I will post a picture of my friend Josh playing air guitar instead. He seems to think that pictures of himself will make this blog site more interesting. You be the judge.
Rock on, Josh. Rock on.
All in all, I had a great time in Colorado.
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